THE BIG 30!!! :)


…happy 30th to me!!!! 🙂


A day from now and I will be celebrating what they called the dreadful 30. Yes, I will be leaving my wonderful 20’s but I just can’t understand the fact that why are most people succumbing themselves to resent less of being 30? Why is it such a scare, and some even panics when they are about to reach 30?

As for me, my 20’s are amazing. In fact I think it was the most thrilling roller coaster ride of my life. Let me recap some of my most unforgettable experiences on that decade.  I get to graduate college with a degree in Nursing, was able to practice my profession and gained a lot of nourishing experiences that helped me become the person I am today. During the past 10 years that I became an adult, I graduated from College, made friends that lasted lost some, learned more about myself, and dated the wrong guys that made me realize what I wanted in a partner.  This is also the time that I realized that there is just one constant thing in this world and that is CHANGE.  One of the hardest parts in this stage was realizing that some relationships no matter how binded they are if they aren’t meant to last, it just wouldn’t.  The best part? Realizing that life is all about happiness, it’s a matter of “quality over quantity”. That all that matters is people who are in my life and who puts efforts to be here.  That I would rather have forgoing strong bonds with fewer people than to have a lot of short fake ones.  

For me being 30 is electrifyingly exciting as it can ever be.  I am who I am because of the experiences my 20’s had thought me. Now I know what I want and surely what I don’t want in life. It’s not about the accomplishments that I made, it’s not even if your married or not, kids or not but it’s more of being comfortable in your own skin and your own thoughts.   It’s more of the acceptance of me, where I am and where I am happy.  Now I can confidently say that I-don’t-care-what-people think, because this is my life and I am destined to do what I am happy to do.  Best part? I realized that God is the master of my destiny, yes I may want things for myself but if HE doesn’t allow it to happen then no matter what I do, it just won’t. This is my life, living it once and I should not waste it just to please people. Heck yeah everyone as in everyone will always have their opinion about you, your acts, your thoughts, physical look, etc. but unlike my 20’s, now I know how to take it with a grain of salt. Again you can’t please everyone, so why try right?   

 Looking back, of all the things that I have learned, I feel grateful for all the people who have shown me genuine love and care. Who stayed with me even when I am at my most horrible state. I am loving  every day of my simple life, it’s not even a big fuss to me that I have these subtle wrinkles that shows when I smile because deep down I am truly happy.  And so I welcome the next decade or so with open arms, with full excitement and acceptance. I couldn’t be happier to enter this new chapter wholeheartedly. And I do believe the best is yet to come. I want enjoy and live this once in a lifetime life of mine with the people I cherish the most.  After all cliché as they say, 3o is just a big number; it’s still what it’s your heart that matters. So bring it on 30! 🙂

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